OncoLytika continues to expand its services and has been asked to provide training on epigenetics at the European Centre of Pharmaceutical Medicine (ECPM), a University Institute at the medical faculty of Basel, Switzerland. Dr Mark Eccleston will be giving a specialist lecture on epigenetics as part of the Continuing Education Series - Frontiers in Drug Development ECPM Seminar on Elderly in Future Pharmacotherapy on September 9th. This state of the art postgraduate course in drug development, at diploma and masters level has been running since 1991 with approximately 1200 graduates. The audience will comprise about 150 individuals interested in drug development from industry, regulatory authorities and university hospitals.
SMi Group Ltd. has invited OncoLytika to give a masterclass on epigenetics as part of it's training programme. The half day course titled "Epigenetic Profiling -Biomarker Discovery to Therapeutic Development" will be held on December 7th as one of a series of masterclasses aimed at high level strategists and practitioners, to be held in London between the 1st and 10th of December 2010. Further details can be found on the SMi Group website.
OncoLytika was invited to give a lecture on aspects of spinning out and commercializing academic technologies to students from Bejing's renowned University of Chemical Technology. The summer school was hosted by Dr Adrian Fisher who heads up the Centre for Research in Electrochemical Science and Technology (CREST). The ten-day event in July consisted of a range of industry and academic presentations as well as business training and included a talk from Chris Cotton, director of the China-Britain Business Council.
Dr Mark Eccleston, managing director of OncoLytika, was invited to a formal dinner at college to celebrate the highly successful Cambridge/Beijing event. Dr Eccleston later judged the final Dragon's Den style business plan competition between 2 teams of visiting students. Commenting of the event, Mark stated "this was an excellent opportunity for the students attending the summer school to get a taste of UK academic life. Also for Cambridge, and in particular the department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, to raise it's profile in China. Attracting the best overseas students is increasingly important in a highly competitive landscape and events such as these can make a long lasting impression. The students were incredibly enthusiastic and quick on the uptake. The final business plan presentations were impressive, particularly the language skills which were exemplary.